Saturday, June 27, 2020

January 25 ,1921 the play R.U.R first introduced the word "robot"  

R.U.R. is a 1920 science fiction play by the Czech writer Karel ČapekR.U.R. stands for Rossumovi Univerzální Roboti (Rossum's Universal Robots).[1] The English phrase "Rossum's Universal Robots" has been used as a subtitle.[2] It premiered on 25 January 1921 and introduced the word "robot" to the English language and to science fiction as a whole.[3]  

So the 100's anniversary of the word ROBOT is  1/25/2021 !

I am thinking we could do some website or event that might gain media attention. 


Monday, June 22, 2020

Loss of Sensation: my new favorite movie

Loss of Sensation, alternatively titled Robot of Jim Ripple (Russian: «Гибель сенсации» («Робот Джима Рипль»)) is a 1935 Soviet science fiction sound film directed by Alexandr Andriyevsky.
Although the film uses the abbreviation "R.U.R" for the robots, it is not based directly on the 1920 stageplay by Karel Čapek. The film is based on the Ukrainian novel "Iron Riot" (also known as "Robots are coming") by Volodimir Vladko.

This is my new favorite movie 1935, its interesting that many parts are shot like a silent movie. The Cuts and splices are terrible and the music score decent but played and recorded badly. I want to colorize it, redo the same music but in electronic techno and just clean it up to play on a big screen. Have English Dialog. Blade Runner style.
It's makes a huge political statement and in many ways we are hearing the very same arguments today so this movie is relevant.

Why does this come to mind, because in the term robot came about in Jan 1921 with the stage Play RUR. Also political, and roboti is the Czech word for Slave.

So this was the first movie that gave a nod to RUR, in 1935 Russia.
It interesting how terms origin put the idea of slave -> now "robotsi" uprising against the masters.
So you can see things in this movie borrowed by Terminator and countless other scifi robots.

Friday, June 19, 2020


Those of you who regularly send me what you think I need to read or see, thank you for being “my extended nervous system.”

by Moritz Bierling

1/ Power in the Information Age is directly impacted by, and channeled through, information flow (access, control, manufacturing, manipulation, etc).

2/ In order to consistently gain access to good (useful) information, one has to do at least one, though usually more, of the following:

3/ - algorithmically and socially tune your existing network to consistently upregulate high signal and downregulate noise, which allows you to

4/ - consistently stumble upon sources outside your network displaying complexity of unfamiliar (to you) structure, which allows you to

5/ - consistently generate insight by engaging with actors and material that contrasts starkly with your existing mosaic of perspectives, which allows you to

6/ - develop your capacity to consistently make sense of an increasing variety and scope of situations (problems), both internal and external, which allows you to

7/ - consistently upregulate signal and downregulate noise in your network by

8/ - - selectively sharing other actor’s information (with/-out comments),

9/ - - commenting upon other actor’s information,

10/ - - and involving multiple unconnected actors in generative conversations, which allows you to

11/ - build up in other actors a psycho- and physiological expectation and perception of the continuation of your high signal activity, while at the same time

12/ - “placing listeners” in other actors (effectively extending your nervous system) for high signal content and the sources that produce them (they will see information and think “Moritz needs to know about this”, then tag or share accordingly), which allows you to

13/ - consistently improve the quality and quantity of information you have access to, which allows you to

14/ - consistently “sense” the dynamics, events, trends, movements, and other categories of developments both happening now and probable to happen in the (expanding) future, which allows you to

15/ - consistently act (read “allocate your attention and energy well”) and help/make/inspire others to act (ipso) in a way that “moves the needle” (to express it in a value neutral way).

16/ The strategy that I consistently observe as highly effective in kickstarting, maintaining, and accelerating the above sequence/process/system is the *indexing strategy*, which consists of

17/ - *procuring* (capture) high quality information from a diversity of sources in a central, private space, which allows you to

18/ - *processing* this information to further enrich its quality by way of

19/ - - emphasizing and deemphasizing its parts,

20/ - - contextualizing it by contrasting it with and relating it to other information,

21/ - - taking note of how your current emotional state and sense making process interact with it, and

22/ - - commenting upon it with recommendations for others for how to process it,

23/ - *producing* original and adapted information (content) for other actors’ consumption *in a structured way*,

24/ - *publishing* on a publicly accessible platform by specifically

25/ - - building and resurfacing (*placing*) again and again collections (threads, pages, documents) of content with shared characteristics (authors, themes, styles, methodologies, etc),

26/ - - inviting others to discuss there and contribute to them, thus

27/ - - becoming *the place where others go to learn*.

28/ Notice that this strategy is the structural engine and programmatic process by which all the power centers operate:

29/ - Google (search engine)

30/ - Facebook (people)

31/ - the Bible (look at the interconnectivity of passages, it’s the OG wiki)

32/ - news outlets (aggregators of “what’s happening” now failing due to weak business models and “what’s happening” becoming available elsewhere (social media)),

33/ - the brain (most complex structure we know of consuming least energy for highest output, working through opponent processing (competing clusters of cooperating neurons)),

34/ - the legal system (collections of code/rule sets constantly amended and extended)

35/ - corporations and conglomerates (complex systems of organizing natural, technological, and human resources through structures of ownership within interlocking circuits of two way value flows), and many others.

36/ The strategy works by *building interfaces* (think larger than screens) to the things we desire, want, need (and are made to desire, want, and need) by curating, indexing, overcoding, recombining, arranging, and (selectively and in a specifically structured way) displaying information.

37/ My friend Daniel Fraga calls the conscious construction of these systems “ontological design”.

38/ Some of the people I know who are most adept at variations of this strategy, each in their unique ways and to their specific ends, are Brandon Hayes, Alexander Kruel, Daniel Schmachtenberger, Jordan Hall, Jim Rutt, Rafe Kelley, Daniel Pinchbeck, Vinay Gupta, Michael John, Kurt Jensen, Tiago Forte, David Perell, Conor White-Sullivan, Gearóid Walsh, Visakan Veerasamy, and Curt Doolittle.

39/ To learn how to do this, nothing more is required of you than to pay close attention to your own motives and methodology in the steps and stages of this process (procure, process, produce, publish, place), conduct and learn from experiments, and adjust accordingly.

40/ For learning the technical (operative) fundamentals, I specifically recommend Tiago’s course “Building a Second Brain” and David’s course “Write of Passage” as well as their free materials.

41/ For information on the greater ecology of information, I recommend the sense making series by David Fuller and Alexander Beiner of Rebel Wisdom, Jordan Hall’s Situational Assessments on Medium, Pat Ryan’s Dark Stoa series, and my own presentation on memes (search for “Moritz Bierling decentralized culture” here on Facebook or on YouTube).

42/ Comment below for discussions of each of these points and requests for pointers to more material, or DM me for conversation unsuited to a (semi-)public forum.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Free Space Laser Communications 35 Miles - June 1993 - AM Video and PWM Audio

Eric Lee with home made Free Space Laser Communication gear.

35MM camera lenses used to collimate IR laser diodes and Telescopes with Avalanche photodiodes to receive data.

The Link was actually established June of 1993 between Mt Hamilton and Fremont Peaks at total of 35 Miles, Both Infra-red and Visible laser diodes were uses to transmit PWM voice and attempted video.

I actually got my Amature Radio licence just to be able to officially log our communication.  KE6BYN.

Subject: Laser communications experiment performed between Fremont Peak State Park and Lick Observatory on Mount Hamilton

Lasers used:  20 milliwatt diode laser, 685 nm
              30 milliwatt diode laser, 830 nm
              beam divergence 1 milli radian  
propagation path length  48 kilometers          D
visual range  20 - 100 km                       V
beam power                                      P
tangent(divergence angle)                       T
Rayleigh scattering coefficient                 R
Mie scattering coefficient                      M
wavelength                                      l
Geometric divergence:

power density = 4P/(3.14(T^2)(D^2))

              = 1.1 * 10^-9 watts/cm2   at 685 nm

              = 1.6 * 10^-9 watts/cm2   at 830 nm

Atmospheric path loss:

Rayleigh coefficient  R = 0.00833*(l/600)^-4.08

                        = 4.9 * 10^-3  km^-1  at 685 nm

                        = 2.2 * 10^-3  km^-1  at 830 nm

Mie coefficient       M = (3.91/V)*(l/550)^((-0.585)*(V^0.3))

                        = 0.14 to 0.023   km^-1   at 685 nm

                        = 0.11 to 0.015   km^-1   at 830 nm

visual range of 20 to 100 km, considered to correspond to

"clear" and "extremely clear" transparency

percent transmission = e^-(M+R)D

                     = 9.5 * 10^-4  to  2.6 * 10^-1   at 685 nm

                     = 4.6 * 10^-3  to  4.3 * 10^-1   at 830 nm

Maximum power density at Lick Observatory:
(power density)*(percent transmission) =
       = 2.9 * 10^-10 watts/cm2    at 685 nm

                     = 6.9 * 10^-10 watts/cm2    at 830 nm

Sadly Eric Passed away May, 2018 .

Audio Byte - Parallel Port R2R Audio Adapter, Photos of Prototypes.

  These we 44Khz 8bit digital recorders, the small PCB one plugged in to my home made Eprom programmer and used it Digital I/O lines on my TRS80 Color Computer.

 These were Aluminum jigs I made to hold the 18 resistors in place while we soldered them together without a PCB.  We made 3000 units this way. 

These 18 Resistors formed an R-2R network.  In my case I chose 50K Ohm and 100K Ohm.

AudioByte, Amiga Mod files and Chip Tunes.

It all comes full circle. 

All that stuff  Jesse Monroy and myself did 30 years back,
AudioByte (Originally Sound Byte)
The Original Parallel Port Dongle audio adapter.

Editor and Mod file players in Intel x86 assembly code.

More at:

 Now I stumble on WebAssembly and OpenGL and realize I have more power in a browser tab  than I had on the $250,000 4 cpu SGI workstation at stanford.

Certainly dwarfing the 10 Mhz 286 I had in those days.

Then I found chiptunes. This is super cool. 

These guys are mad crazy about video game emulators and reproducing the hardware faithfully.    A player you can drop Amiga Mod files on and play them.   My mod file collection.

 And the new version, not as good.  

But this is WOW!!!!   it's like wow.  A universe unto itself.

Best part it's all open source and hosted free of charge on github. 
