Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Liquid solar cells

Gemini AI  gives the responses. 

I really find the responses educational. I would never think to learn about norbornadiene. 

Question:  what counpounds are used in liquid solar cells?

Liquid solar cells are a relatively new technology and there are a few different compounds being researched for use in them. One promising compound is norbornadiene (C7H8).

Norbornadiene is a hydrocarbon molecule that can undergo a chemical reaction when it absorbs sunlight. This reaction causes the molecule to change shape, and in the process, it releases energy that can be converted into electricity.

Researchers are still working on improving the efficiency of liquid solar cells, but they have the potential to be a more versatile and lower-cost alternative to traditional solar panels.


Norbornadiene molecule

Other compounds being explored for use in liquid solar cells include dyes, semiconductors, and electrolytes. Dyes are molecules that can absorb sunlight and then emit light of a different wavelength. In a liquid solar cell, a dye could be used to capture sunlight and then transfer the energy to a semiconductor material, which would then convert the energy into electricity.

Semiconductors are materials that can conduct electricity under certain conditions. In a liquid solar cell, a semiconductor material could be used to convert the energy from sunlight into electricity. Electrolytes are solutions that contain ions that can flow freely. In a liquid solar cell, an electrolyte could be used to transport ions between the electrodes, which would allow the cell to generate electricity

Question:could say ito glass and some other metalic suface with water and sodium bicaronate electrolite be use with a dye to absorb light?

The concept you describe has some similarities to a type of solar cell called a Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC). Here's how it compares:


Dye: You're right, DSSCs use dyes to absorb sunlight and initiate the conversion process to electricity.

Electrolyte: Liquid electrolytes are indeed used in DSSCs, although the composition differs.


Electrolyte: Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) isn't typically used in DSSCs. Common electrolytes involve a solvent (often organic) containing dissolved salts like lithium iodide (LiI) or a redox couple like iodine (I2)/iodide (I-). These components play a crucial role in transporting ions within the cell.

Metallic Surface: While DSSCs don't directly use a metallic surface, they do utilize a semiconducting material, most commonly titanium dioxide (TiO2). This material is often deposited on a transparent conductive substrate like Fluorine-doped Tin Oxide (FTO) glass, which ITO glass essentially is.

So, can your concept work?

It's unlikely to be very efficient in its current form. Here's why:

Electrolyte: Sodium bicarbonate wouldn't provide the necessary ionic conductivity for efficient charge transport.

Metallic Surface: Metals generally don't have the desired properties for light absorption and charge separation needed in a solar cell.

What about using ITO glass with a different dye and electrolyte?

This approach is closer to a DSSC. However, DSSCs require careful optimization of all components (dye, electrolyte, semiconductor) for efficient light absorption, charge transfer, and regeneration.  Building a functional DSSC can be quite complex.

Here are some resources for further exploration:

Dye-sensitized solar cell (Wikipedia): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dye-sensitized_solar_cell

Solar Cells: Juice From Juice (Cornell University): https://www.ccmr.cornell.edu/education/educational-resources/lending-library-of-experiments/chemistry-kits/solar-cells/ (This is a very basic experiment but demonstrates the concept) 

Saturday, March 16, 2024

I was tearing in to TV's

I was tearing in to TV's at age 6 and fixing them at age 8, by age 12 I had a soldering iron and a bag of junk. All I needed was power and a table and chair. 

 I would take Bets.  $20 I can fix it, or it's free.  people would line up.  Anything in they would put in front of me, electronic/electrical . I'd get a minute to examine it , and tell them what parts , or fix it with what I brought.  A literal Felix the Cat, with a bag of tricks.

I would oddly just know what I needed for that days adventures. 

Anyhow people would literally gather and take bets. In the most lucrative neighborhoods.  I'd be brought in to untangle a companies phone system and reprogram their PBX, or some industrial controller.   Anything Dangerous  AC power I'd bring my dad in .  But I got to fix computers. So I wrote a data based on the TRS-80 model 3 for the North Jersey Buick Dealers association. I be sitting in the showroom writing code.  Before you know it I am helping write the Arc file compressor, with a guy who was teaching me about Unix and compression.  Building radio equipment and all sorts of stuff. 

Friday, February 23, 2024

Anatoly Dneprov’s 1958 Russian work Крабы идут по острову , can you give me a summary, and it relivance to today?


“Крабы идут по острову” (Crabs on the Island) is a science fiction short story by Anatoly Dneprov. The story revolves around an engineer named Cookling who conducts an experiment on a small tropical island12. He uses self-replicating, evolving robotic crabs to test Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution12. However, the evolution goes in an unexpected direction, and the island turns into a sort of hell3.

The story is often seen as a cautionary tale about the potential dangers of self-replicating machines or nanobots1. It highlights the risks of creating machines that can reproduce and evolve on their own, especially without proper safeguards or controls in place1.

In terms of its relevance today, the story is more pertinent than ever due to advancements in technology, particularly in the fields of artificial intelligence and robotics1. The concept of self-replicating machines, which was once purely science fiction, is now a real field of study. This story serves as a reminder of the ethical and safety considerations that must be taken into account as we continue to develop and deploy increasin

Anatoly Dneprov’s 1958 Russian work Крабы идут по острову , can you give me a summary, and it relivance to today?


Anatoly Dneprov's 1958 work "Крабы идут по острову" (Crabs Walk on the Island) is a science fiction short story that is well-regarded in Russian literature. The narrative revolves around a group of scientists on a remote island who are conducting nuclear tests. The story takes an unexpected turn when the crabs on the island start displaying unusual behavior as a consequence of the nuclear tests, eventually leading to unforeseen and disastrous results.

The central theme of the story deals with the unforeseen and often dangerous consequences of scientific progress and human intervention in nature, especially when it comes to the power of nuclear energy. Dneprov, trained as a physicist, often explored themes related to the responsibilities of scientists and the ethical implications of scientific advancements in his works.

In terms of its relevance today, "Crabs Walk on the Island" remains a poignant reminder of the potential environmental and ecological impacts of nuclear testing and, more broadly, of human technological advancements without sufficient consideration of their consequences. The story echoes current concerns about environmental degradation, the ethical responsibilities of scientists and engineers, and the unforeseen consequences of technological progress. It serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of considering the long-term impacts of our actions on the planet and its ecosystems.

Everything in Pink is just wrong. 

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

The Apple, Part 1: Second Draft

A Sci-Fi Story by John L. Sokol

The city streets hummed with a silent efficiency that seemed foreign, even though I'd spent countless years walking on them. People called it "The Big Apple," an old moniker that, despite my long life, I never really grasped.

This new role I'd taken on felt out of time, a throwback. My uniform, an orange jumpsuit with fluorescent reflectors, felt reminiscent of a bygone era that most had only seen in history holograms. As did my truck, which creaked and groaned as it lumbered alongside nimble automated vehicles.

Parking, I was surrounded by sleek roads peppered with electric grids, a stark reminder of the progress humanity had made in energy. These 600-volt rails zigzagged the city, powering cars that moved with a grace pedestrians no longer had to witness. The streets, once a cacophony of footsteps and chatter, were now eerily quiet.

A sudden realization hit me, one that always seems to strike at the most inopportune moments. I had forgotten to visit the restroom. The vast building complex I'd left, which now stretched to heights that would've been unimaginable in my youth, was my only option.

Stepping out, I was caught off guard by the absence of familiar scents and sounds. The city's pulse had changed. Autonomous vehicles glided silently, their passengers lost in their own worlds, oblivious to old-timers like me.

A familiar orange hue in the distance caught my attention. "Taking a stroll?" The jest came from a fellow worker, Eddy, comfortably nestled in his state-of-the-art vehicle.

“Nature calls,” I responded, rushing to the building. My brief absence was just enough to disrupt the intricate ballet of traffic. On my return, an orchestrated chaos met my gaze. The displeasure of the machines was palpable.

Eddy, always the mediator, intervened. "First day on this route, folks. Let's keep moving."

Grateful nods and suppressed chuckles followed as I resumed my journey. The onboard system, a gentle guiding voice, hinted at paths and turns, subtly reminding me of how much had changed since I'd last taken the wheel. The sprawling streets, once familiar, now felt like a maze from a dream—somewhat recognizable but eerily different.

I was in a world built on the bones of the old, bridging memories of the past with a future that was still, even after all these years, hard to grasp.

Tuesday, September 05, 2023

End of And Era

 The end of the electronic shops in Silicon Valley. 

All now Long dead. 

   The end of Frys. 
almost unimaginable, this place was Amazing

 Statue of Nikola Tesla at the Freemont Fry's store. 

It used be be filled this this sort of stuff. 

Sunday, August 20, 2023

The Pragmatic Evolution of Memetic Engineering: Unleashing Living Ideas for Societal Transformation

 The Pragmatic Evolution of Memetic Engineering: Unleashing Living Ideas for Societal Transformation


In the tapestry of human evolution, the realm of ideas and concepts has emerged as a dynamic force that transcends the boundaries of mere theory. Memetic Engineering, coined in 1992 , pioneered by Leveious Rolando and John Sokol, heralds a new era where ideas are not static abstractions, but living entities that possess the power to infiltrate, adapt, and transform. As we embark on this transformative journey, the convergence of science and pragmatism beckons us to explore the living essence of ideas and their profound influence on society.

Memetic Engineering: Breathing Life into Ideas:

Memetic Engineering, once confined to theoretical discourse, has now emerged as a tangible field of science that harnesses the living essence of ideas. Just as genes evolve and adapt to ensure their survival, ideas and concepts exhibit a similar vitality, seeking hosts in the vast landscape of human minds. Through this paradigm, we witness the birth of a science that treats ideas not as static artifacts, but as living organisms that navigate the intricate neural networks of human cognition.

The Living Dynamics of Memetic Influence:

Leveious Rolando and John Sokol's groundbreaking work resonates with the pulse of this living phenomenon. Memetic Engineering, far from being a mere abstraction, operates at the intersection of psychology, sociology, and cognitive science. As ideas infiltrate the recesses of individual consciousness, they adapt, mutate, and influence belief systems, thought patterns, and behaviors. This dynamic interplay is akin to an evolutionary dance, where ideas strive for propagation and dominance.

Shaping Societal Fabric:

Memetic Engineering extends beyond manipulation and into the realm of intentional influence. It empowers us to sculpt societal narratives, catalyze cultural shifts, and drive transformation on a global scale. By strategically crafting and disseminating memes, we become architects of thought, nurturing ideas that resonate with shared visions. Through the symphony of memetic influence, societal norms, values, and paradigms are sculpted, reflecting a collaborative endeavor between science and human aspiration.

From Theory to Action: The Pragmatic Manifestation:

The journey from theoretical inception to pragmatic realization is a testament to the potency of Memetic Engineering. As ideas take root in human consciousness, a ripple effect is initiated – a cascade of cognitive adaptation that extends far beyond initial intent. In this era of rapid information dissemination, memetic evolution transcends borders and cultures, fostering a global dialogue where ideas are not confined but traverse the spectrum of human experience.


Memetic Engineering, the brainchild of visionaries Leveious Rolando and John Sokol, emerges not as a passive theory, but as a living force of pragmatic transformation. Ideas, once conceived in the realm of thought, now pulsate with life, seeking hosts to perpetuate their existence. As we embrace this revolutionary paradigm, we step into a realm where the boundaries between science and society blur, allowing us to wield the living essence of ideas as tools for shaping the future. In this convergence of science, pragmatism, and human agency, Memetic Engineering emerges as a beacon guiding us towards a world where the evolution of ideas is the key to unlocking societal metamorphosis composition based on the concept of Memetic Engineering as described. It aims to convey the idea that Memetic Engineering is more than a theory, but a pragmatic and transformative force in society.

Author Unknown, Forwarded to me by a friend.