Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Largest Mass of Water Discovered, Think about the potential for life evolving.

From: Largest Mass of Water Discovered
The water, enough to fill earth's oceans "more than 100 trillion times," has been detected in a quasar 12 billion light years (72 billion trillion miles) from here. The signals detected from the quasar, which is a black hole sucking matter into it at a high rate, represents activity that occurred early in the formation of the universe, when it was a mere toddler of 1.6 billion years (scientists believe the universe now to be 13.6 billion years old).

I am a believer in Panspermia, the theory that microbes transmit life to habitable bodies in space; or the process of such transmission.

So I started thinking in terms of (volume * time) for evolution to take place, with a number of assumptions. Such as the right temperatures and pressure for liquid water. The right mix of ingredient, and source of energy. Occasional disruptions and a variety of habitats.

Now with such a larger volume and possible time dilation. That water may have had multiples of the life time of the universe to evolve life.

If there were to be an ideal incubator for evolution this would have to be it.


UPDATE:  8/22/2011

Earth Ejecta Could Seed Life On Europa

"Various astronomers have studied how far rocks can travel through space after being ejected from Earth. Their conclusion is that it's relatively easy for bits of Earth to end up on the Moon or Venus, but very little would get to Mars because it would have to overcome gravity from both the Sun and the Earth. Now, the biggest ever simulation of Earth ejecta confirms this result — with a twist. The simulation shows that Jupiter is a much more likely destination than Mars. So bits of Earth could have ended up on Jovian satellites such as Europa. Astrobiologists estimate that Earth's hardiest organisms can survive up to 30,000 years in space, which means that if conditions are just right, Earth ejecta could seed life there."

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