John Sokol 12/02/2010
Everyone is familiar with the Wave–particle duality paradox that started science down the weird and counter intuitive world of quantum physics.
Somewhat less known is the uncertainty principle and the observer effect.
Some of these experiments seem to indicate a reverse time interaction, and how important it is for the observer,, for things to manifest.
Wheeler's Classic Delayed Choice Experiment
Well, I have been thinking about this now for years and I have an alternate theory.
One I call the Cymatic Universe, one that is in a nonlinear medium and behaves like a non Newtonian superfluid that's lossless. Very much like a vibrating corn starch solution that doesn't loose energy.
So the key for understanding particles and our universe would be to better understand how these self sustaining structures behave in cymatic nonlinear medium.
In a sense, these self sustaining structures interact, can move and behave similar to pixels in the game of life. One point can remain stable, till something interacts with it, then it breaks off or can splinter into parts.
Imagine trying to create a stable structure in vibrating corn starch medium. How fast could they travel? It would have to be like a walker in the game of life.
In the universe, I am proposing, the rules would have to be very different then in the game of life. Not much more complicated. One rule is energy is conserved. Matter is just a pattern of energy that is stable, self reinforcing while something like a photon is a wave frittering across the surface at maximum velocity till it strikes matter.
An electron is probably even stranger then that, and why it would appear as just a cloud around the more solid protons and neutrons.
I am sure I don't understand string theory and maybe I am already just describing an existing string theory, if so, do forgive me.
Imagine that particles are made of these self sustaining patterns in this fluid.
Using this model I think its possible to explain quantum interaction, Einstein relativity and even gravity without deviating too far from our natural world experience of classical physics.
Imagine for a moment that the universe and space are really like a ocean whose surface is full of waves bobbing up and down.
On this we apply a threshold, like the deck of our ship where below that we can't see these waves, the are invisible and nonexistent to us, but once in a while two will meet and for a moment will pop up above our threshold and we see it briefly, then it disappears once again.
This would be similar to how in the quantum world we see energy and sub atomic particles appear and disappear out of nowhere.
Now take the double slit experiment.
What if instead of photons and electrons being discrete particles and waves, there is non-quantum continuous levels out there.
What instead, if there is a quantum threshold that needs to be crossed before photons, electrons or even sub atomic matter can interact with one other to the point of appearing as discrete events.
Below that threshold no interactions can occur.
So now, when something like a photon is traveling it's a wave. But when it interacts it's a particle.
How is that. Well, it has to absorb enough energy traveling around in to the interaction with matter to be observed. The very act of observation forces it to "collapse the wave function" if you will, where only a discrete quantum of energy in this absorbed or no interact occurs.
This move the quantum nature of the universe away from the energy and matter and instead to the observer and interaction with matter that is needed to observe.
Thereby eliminating the wave particle paradox.
UPDATE: 6/24/2014
Fluid Tests Hint at Concrete Quantum Reality
UPDATE: 6/30/2014
Have We Been Interpreting Quantum Mechanics Wrong This Whole Time?
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