Saturday, October 30, 2010

Nebula as galactic cities

Nebula as galactic cities, it's I think a real possibly, one I'd like to get some real astronomers to look in to.

We could be looking at a buzz of streetlights and radio signals so dense it's just noise.

Sort of looking at cities from a 100,000 miles up.

It would make sense that they'd prefer a stable stationary system rather then orbiting.

I mean think-about it, if you wanted to build an almost infinite civilization it would end up looking much like a nebula, glowing sort of organic in shape.

The Crab Nebula

Look at something like the Crab Nebula.  I'd bet anything that it's a massive space based civilization. Basically a City that's grown beyond a solar system.   It's just too fractal and organic looking in nature.

What would a civilization that were to grow to such an extent look like?

Think about what we see from a city from a distance now.  With Digital broadcast there is no simple RF broadcasts now.
It would look like broadband noise.
In the optical band it would be a florescent glow of streetlights.  Not much different from some of these nebula.

The one tell tail signs would be organic structure and strange spectral envelopes.

London At night

Tokyo At night

We keep looking for Earth like planets, but the odd's of finding a race at our stage is small.
It's far more likely to find one that's millions of years ahead or behind.

Behind will look like just a planet with free oxygen, signs of plant life, that's it.

But ahead, in a million years think about where we could end up.

We could easily overrun not just our planet, or even solar system,but our sun itself and the next several suns in our local galactic neighborhood.

In 100 million years what would we would look at a distance?  Much like a nebula with web of colonies.

A massive extrasolar foam covering a large region of space if you think about it.  Hollow air filled living and working chambers with trillions of humans and robots like an massive ant farm in space. Like a bread mold spreading out.

We would consume ever piece of solid matter in this way.
Every planet, meteor and asteroid, even find a way to cannibalize stars.

Expanding it's volume in to hollow structure, a honeycomb maze of habitable space. Illuminated, buzzing with communications.  Think Borg home world.

I suspect it would look very organic as that would be more efficient then trying to make square structures. 

We'd be way past needing the sun's light and heat, instead we'd have countless fission and fusion reactors, and try to extract every last drop of energy from the Matter we're burning for fuel.

That is if you were to carry things about to there extreme limits, it would have to play out like that.

As for ruling it, it wouldn't have some galactic emperors or any single government control structure but most likely a network forming a super intelligent AI of unimaginable intelligence who's sole purpose is to keep expanding and growing as efficiently as possible. More like plants or hive animals have.  Bread molds and other colonies do on a small scale now.

American Food.

We have over 1000's of years found and adapted plants that are good for us. Our diet's have evolved over very long time spans be optimized.

Now we come along since the Industrial revolution and using a little knowledge of Chemistry and Biology think we can do better then what we had been doing.

We let's look at the criteria.

If it's cheaper, tastier and didn't kill the lab rats and first people we fed it too right away, then, great were good.

Well what about 10 or 20 years out?

Now there are 1000's of laboratories and companies putting these short term tested chemicals in to our diets. What's is the net effect of that?

What are the Odds that some of these will really have some terrible long term consequences?

One case. Trans fats like what margarine is made of.  It was sold to us for many years, and in the last 30 years as a cheaper healthier alternative to butter.
Now we know trans fat causes heart disease and it so much worse them butter it's been outlawed in several states.  Now they have trans fat free formulations.

We were all sold bullshit for 30 years. What we were told couldn't be further from the truth.

What were the consequences of this? An epidemic of heart diseases. What did this cost those who lied to us. Nada , zip, nothing.

Just how many other dangerous things are there that are affecting us?

MSG. BPA, PFOE, PFOA, Aspartame and other artificial sweeteners,  fructose, refined sugars, bleached flour, pesticides, food colorings and artificial flavors,who know's what is safe or not.

Friday, October 29, 2010

hexane in food.

From Slashdot:
"A chemical called n-hexane has been poisoning the nervous systems of Chinese workers who assemble touchscreen devices for Apple and other companies, an investigative journalist from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation reports. It's scary to think that people are being damaged to pursue high production rates. For companies with soaring profits and share prices, and elaborate product development and marketing, it seems they should be all the more culpable if they fail to take care of the production workers."

Hexane is derived from petroleum. It is a colorless, volatile liquid with a mild, gasoline-like odor.
It's used in Electrical contact cleaner, and Computer monitor screen cleaners.
Hexane is the dominate extraction solvent for oil seeds throughout the world, including soybean and other high volume oils used for human and animal consumption. 95% of the world's corn oil is produced from corn germ obtained by wet-milling.
The corn germ is dried, then shipped to hexane extraction facilities to obtain the oil.
Basically corn oil and high fructose corn syrup are contaminated with the stuff in small amounts. []

Be careful with hexane nomenclature. n-hexane is one of the isomers of hexane (there are 5), and by far the most toxic. Claims that hexane is a neurotoxin are misleading - the only hexane isomer that is a neurotoxin is n-hexane as the other hexanes don't produce the nerve damaging metabolite of n-hexane.

    Does it really matter?
Do you really want to eat that crap.

I am sorry but there are several things that I don't want anywhere near my food.
1.) Deification and other bodily fluids.
2.) Heavy metals.
3.) Petroleum products.

You can't tell me well it's just a little bit of feces.
Yea it's just a little bit of neurotoxin.
What do they say "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger".
That may be fine for animal feed, but it's getting to the point the point where no matter how much effort you can't protect yourself and your family from these things.

We are starting to see so many health problems in our western culture. Little by little so many getting traced back to diet.

Are you familiar with the engineering term "Accumulation of Tolerances"
It's about predicting reliability. Say were building a car, and each part can be 1 mm off.
After you connect 10 parts together in a chain, you can on occasion be 10 mm off and unable to close the car door because it does't fit now.

Well it's like that with tolerating toxins.

Yea we can handle so much mercury and so much hexane and so much BPA, PFOE, Flouride, Aluminum, Cadmium etc. etc. etc ...
Even Sodium.
With each product it pushing that limit.
But in the real world we eat 20+ products per day.

End result, Cancer, Autism, dementia, heart attack, diabetes, stroke, Asthma, allergies, lower IQ's, and a plethora of other problems.

How can anyone sort out what's causing what.

It's like badly written source code. You can't tell where the problem is. The only way out id to start correcting ugly code a piece at a time and without fail, the errors start going away.

I have a terrible peanut allergy.  When in India I had to be rushed to the local hospital.  The doctors there never saw first hand a patient with anaphylactic shock. When later researching this I found that extreme  allergic reactions are very rare in India.  WHY?

Microsoft's Strategy has shifted, so what!

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Lorem ipsum

It all started with a google for a strange phrase I ran across "duis aute irure"

Sure looks like Latin, was it Spanish or Portuguese?

The wikipedia page has a interesting story on it.

Literally evolution of a nonsense language. 

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Things to see in North Jersey

Lamberts Castle

The Great falls

Google “great falls Paterson” 

The Patterson Museum

Located in the original Thomas Rogers Locomotive Erecting Shop they have many display of Silk and textiles dyeing, winding, warping, weaving and Jacquard looms.

If your in to computers these looms are fascinating as they are the first functional programmable mechanical computers.

They also have plans and designs from the original John Philip Holland submarine.


John Philip Holland submarine @ the Patterson Museum

Morris museum

Thomas Edison Museum

Monday, October 04, 2010

Carbon will change everything.

I think carbon will change everything.

Carbon nanotubes are thermal super conductors and it's speculated that they are possible electrical superconductors as well.  Carbon is also one of the best Thermal insulators too. It may also make the ultimate dielectric.

That being the case carbon based super capacitors and room temperature super conductors made from nanotube might just make carbon all we need for all future technology.  Rare elements would no longer be needed.

Carbon can already make solar cells and nanodots that emit light. Carbons optical properties are seeming endless.   Transistors can be made of carbon so we could make computer chips.

I can't see any reason nanotubes and the rest couldn't be grown by cells in a petri dish.

Imagine growing CPU chips in a layer of bacterial goo.

One thing that's always make me wonder, why life hasn't figured out how to grow nanotubes and diamonds? I mean cell are carbon factories, that's way they do stitch hydrocarbons together in intricate patterns. Literally the self reproducing loom. Why don't they do even graphene sheets or for that matter even graphite. Seems like cells should be more then capable.

Anyhow I expect to see carbon to end up being the most powerful and versatile material we ever learn how to use.

It will be the new iron age.